Another week, another Popped Culture, where I burst the bubble of entertainment news. In this week’s installment, I combed through vast land of Internet, scouring through links upon links and trying not to die from heat exhaustion. After the arduous journey and obtaining carpal tunnel syndrome, a weary me came to the conclusion that this week was just plain…why?
Why. WHY. No, please. …why. Just an example of the normal thought process I had on a daily basis this week as I almost broke my neck from shaking my head so much. Is it so hard to get some justice up in here? Or for Rolling Stone to just stop the presses immediately? And why am I not a Comic-Con? Okay, that doesn’t have anything to do with this week, but I’m just a little bitter.
But with some why, there’s always the greener side of the grass, but the lawn was a little overrun by some REALLY!? weeds and an infestation THAT’S OFFENSIVE bugs. But I’ll start with the good first. From there, it’ll just get progressively worse. You’ve been warned.

Scenes from a Hat! Props! Colin’s Bald Head!
Whose Line Is It Anyway? is back, where everything is made up, and the points don’t matter. Kind of like this column. We kid. After six dark years, the highly popular improv show returned on The CW with a brand new host, Aisha Tyler. She’s way prettier than Drew Carey, for sure. Nothing has changed, really. Wayne can still sing, Ryan is still ridiculously tall and Colin still hasn’t grown hair, and they haven’t lost their comedic gold one bit.

”It’s A Perfect Day For A New Exorcism Movie”
The Conjuring hit theaters today, adding on to the near-toppling pile of exorcism movies. Creepy house, nice family, stern demonologist, witches, possessions. You know, fun stuff that happens all the time. The only thing I was possessed by was Patrick Wilson’s face. I’m a terribly jumpy person who scares at my name being called by my friend after a few seconds of silence, and The Conjuring only made me jump a couple of times. You know it’s a bad sign when all your popcorn remains in the box and not in the floor.

Are you people crazy!? Do you know how many chicken nuggets you could by with $120 dollars? Shortly after revealing his new clothing line, Kanye West saw his designs sold out, including his “Hip Hop T-Shirt,” a plain…white...t-shirt. I’m just saying, you get a white shirt at Walmart for like a penny probably.

Charles Manson who?
Oh, Rolling Stone. I get that your relevance is dwindling. I get that controversy sells. But what I don’t get is why you are glamourizing terrorism. Please, just continue putting Justin Bieber on the cover and slowly fade into nothingness.

R.I.P, Cory
After dying from a drug overdose in a hotel in Vancouver, Gleeks, fans and friends mourned the death of Cory Monteith, who played the adorable Finn Hudson on FOX’s Glee. You’ll be missed, you hunk.

When George Zimmerman was found not guilty after murdering 17-year-old Trayvon Martin under Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” laws, America (and Twitter) erupted in either relief or immense sadness, proving once again that we do not live in a “post-racial” America just because we have a black president. “This isn’t about race!” you say. “George Zimmerman doesn’t look white to me,” you utter. Here’s my response to you: “OIHGONOBIHQOYTUBQUBVUAITUHTHGUH.” Translated that means: “You clearly do not understand racism and white privilege, and you should be educated to unlearn your ways.” While George Zimmerman is “looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life,” let’s remember how little black boys like Trayvon have and will always look behind their backs. Racial profiling. It’s real, people.
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