Top 10 Celebrity Tweets for July 24

On July 24, celebrities tweeted. Some used the power of social media to kick start odd fall trends, while others chose to exchange coveted information about upcoming new albums for more followers. While Twitter users everywhere were tempted with this information, up-and-coming female comedians and their condescending makeup artists caught our attention, and boosted our confidence. Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge trended all over the place, and a Fashion Police officer (and fellow Brit) embraced her loud mouth and less-than-quick wit.

Today, Twitter users learned about language. A young Jenner gave guys a glimpse into the secret world of girls, while a powerful businessman gloated that his name is synonymous with success. A pint-sized Jersey Shore alum threw it back to 1992, and made us wonder why Sir Mix A Lot only really had one song. The man behind Dwight Schrute introduced us to “iDetriot,” and “Cups” crooner had us all wishing she’d try to pick us up.

Here are the best Celebrity Tweets from Wednesday, July 24.

10. Miley Cyrus shamelessly plugged her new album for more Twitter followers #marketingstrategy

9. Man Repeller Leandra Medine gave followers a sneak peak of wardrobe essentials on her radar for fall:

8. Girls superstar Lena Dunham helped us all feel better about our little imperfections:

7. Kelly Osbourne reminded us why we love her:

6. Ellen Degeneres shouted out to her “cousins”:

5. Kylie Jenner gave her male followers valuable advice:

4. Donald Trump showed us his modest, humble side:

3. Rainn Wilson solved all of Detriot’s problems in less than 160 characters:

2. Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi revealed that emotional love ballads are her musical preference: