Poll reveals how Americans feel about other states; drunkest, smartest and most overrated

SurveyMonkey conducted a hilarious poll which shows how American’s feel about other states. Respondents were asked to pick a state, other than the state the reside based on questions about accents, scenery, smartest, dumbest, sports and of all things, which state respondents felt was the “drunkest” state.

According to Business Insider, 1,603 people were polled and the results were placed by highlighting the states on the map.

The state with the weirdest accent goes to Massachusetts with Louisiana, Alabama, Minnesota, New York and New Jersey trailing behind.

New York was dubbed the state with the best food, while Alaska was nominated as the state with least tasty decisions.
Colorado and Hawaii won the category of states with the best scenery; New Jersey and Kansas were less than impressive among voters when it came to the topic of scenery.

New York also named the rudest and most arrogant state as well as being noted as the state with the best and worst sports fans.
Louisiana was easily dubbed the drunkest state, Dayton News reports.

Massachusetts may have the weirdest accent, but they were given the award for having the smartest state while Mississippi was noted as the dumbest. California was called the most overrated state, but is noted as having the most attractive people.

Finally, 21% of respondents stated that Texas is the state that should be kicked out of the United States.

Did your state make the cut?

Image: WikiCommons