'Sullivan and Son' Recap: Running Mates

Everyone gets a little more political Councilman Ryan of the 19th district dies suddenly in the Sullivan and Son family bar. Councilman Ryan stole the seat from Jack’s father many years ago. Upon his father’s death, Jack promised he would run for the Sullivan seat as soon as Ryan died.

But it isn’t all smooth sailing. Not only does Jack have competition in the form of late Councilman Ryan’s brother, Billy Ryan, but Ok Cha and her honesty and non-people personality threaten Jack’s run for office.

In order to get rid of the Ok Cha honesty problem, Jack wants to use the old Supermarket trick; the trick that involves a disappearing act and an Ok Cha with a bag on her head (She's the one that taught him that in the first place). But Steve obviously doesn’t like the idea so, he and Susan talk to their mother and get her to agree to try and be a little friendlier for Jack.

While everyone is busy with their heads in the political sphere, Carol is busy playing Marilyn Monroe and Monica Lewinski. Ok so not quite, but Carol is Jack’s intern, and she dated Councilman Ryan until he died at the age of 97. It’s safe to say she has a thing for politicians.

The campaign is in full swing and both pro-Jack Sullivan and swing voters are crowding the bar. While Susan is passing out ‘Vote Sullivan’ on them, Ok Cha is trying to charm her way into the hearts of the various voters at the bar with a little help from her daughter.

The only two who haven’t gone political are Ahmed and Owen. Melanie attempts to get them involved in the process, but only fails. Ahmed and Owen don’t care about politics and think they’re boring; that is, until a beautiful, liberal girl walks up to them in the bar and asks if their registered to vote.

It’s finally time for Jack to get up on stage to formally introduce himself to the voters. But before he does that Carol, the intern, has set up an entertainment act to perform before he goes on...herself singing ‘Happy Birthday Mr. President’ dressed like Marilyn Monroe.

After an awkward performance that left everyone looking like they smelled something bad, Jack finally got up on stage. Jack introduced himself, said a few words of why he was running, and answered a couple question. Then he introduced him family, bringing them one by one on stage with them, everyone except Ok Cha.

This doesn’t bode well and Ok Cha gets mad and anxious to prove herself. So, she rushes on stage and says a few words about what the people should be wanting. This impromptu speech by Ok Cha not only gets the voters going, but brings them to favor her. Ok Cha is now in the race.

Ahmed and Owen finally confront Jamaica, the girl who got them to vote and the girl that they both like. But they get more than they bargain for. Jamaica wants both of them; she wants a threesome.

As the party settles down and voters have left, the outlook for Jack’s campaign isn’t looking so good. Ok Cha has taken a good chunk of his voters. Even, Roy is going to vote for Ok Cha. But, when Ok Cha re-enters the bar wearing Steve’s old middle school graduation suit and ready to give “The Harsh Truth,” her and Jack end up in a fight that sends Jack to the couch.

When Steve wakes up, he finds that Jack, sleeping right next to him, didn’t last very long on the couch. Then Ok Cha walks in, giving Jack a few things so that her “first lady is looking good.” Steve stops her before she can leave and makes them talk things out. Only, it goes too far. Jack and Ok Cha have make up sex on Steve’s bed.

In the final moments of the episode, a bar full of voters, regulars, and people who forgot to vote, watch on as the result are counted. According to the reporter, it was the lowest voter turnout ever. When the reporter finally gets to the 19th and final district, Billy Ryan, late-Councilman Ryan’s brother is the winner. If only Ok Cha didn’t run, Jack would have had it in the bag.

Image courtesy of TBS


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