Sonoma County deputies gun down boy with toy gun

A Santa Rosa, Cali. boy is dead and the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department has come under fire for the boy’s death. The boy was killed because he had a toy gun in his hand while walking his dog.

Annabel Davalos bought her son a toy gun, but she never thought the toy would be the cause of her son’s death.

Andy Lopez Cruz, 13-years-old, was shot and killed by two Sonoma County sheriff‘s deputies who assumed that the boys toy gun, an AK-47, was a real weapon reported SF Gate.

The deputies said they told Cruz to drop his weapon, but he didn’t and when he went to turn around the deputies emptied several bullets into the young boy’s body. It wasn’t till later that the two officers realized that the gun was not real.

The deputies that killed the young boy have not been named, but have been placed on administrative leave while the issue is being investigated according to The New York Times.

The unfortunate event has sparked a debate over toys guns, leading to a protest outside the Sheriff’s office demanding justice for Cruz.


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