12-year-old Texas girl receives $150,000 donation for obesity surgery

Alexis Shapiro of Cibolo, Texas, has received a donation of $150,000 from over 1,200 strangers for her gastric bypass weight-loss surgery, according to NBC News. Shapiro was denied surgery by TRICARE and Humana Military because patients were required to be at least 18 years old or to have achieved full bone growth. But within hours after NBC News reported her condition, readers and four philanthropists have donated to the Shapiro family.

“Alexis really likes it,” said Jenny Shapiro, Alexis’ mother. “I think she feels like people aren’t looking at her anymore and people are rooting for her.”

NBC News said that at age 9, Alexis was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor called craniopharyngioma, which caused her hypothalamic obesity. Mail News said that this disease caused Shapiro to feel as if she was starving. By then, Shapiro had already begun homeschooling because she felt too ashamed to leave the house.

NBC News reported that the Shapiro family are waiting for confirmation from doctors to see if Alexis will be approved. “If nothing else, we have what’s required for the hospital,” said Jenny Shapiro, noting the $50,000 required payment for Alexis’ surgery. “If I need to make payments or whatever, then I will.”