Fort Lee 911 dispatch tapes released, reveal frustration during George Washington Bridge closures

Fort Lee, N.J. released the 911 dispatch tapes from when the George Washington Bridge had access lanes shut down by Gov. Chris Christie's aides.

The tapes reveal the frustration citizens and emergency vehicles went through as they tried to navigate the closures resulting from political pettiness, reports ABC News. A first responder is heard on one of the tapes during the first night of the closures in September asking, "Do you know if anything happened on the bridge?"

A dispatcher is also heard on the tapes asking about an emergency, "Has the medic been notified about the head injury? She's been waiting for over an hour."

According to The Associated Press, dispatchers also talked with drivers who just wanted to know what was going on and how to get out of the traffic jam. One dispatcher gave directions while noting, "The George Washington Bridge is totally gridlocked."

The traffic jam, which has resulted in several people involved in the closures losing their jobs, saw one elderly woman die as she waited for an emergency vehicle. However, the family doesn't agree that the traffic jam had a hand in her death.

Other than that, it seems luckily there no serious medical issues were compounded by the lane closures.

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