Chris Pine pleads guilty to DUI charge in New Zealand

Actor, Chris Pine has pleaded guilty to a drunk driving charge that occurred Wednesday, Mar 12, in Methven, New Zealand. As a result, Pine’s license was suspended for six months and he was fined $79 in reparation.

Throughout the court appearance, Pine stood by his lawyer, Marilyn Gilchrist, who gave the guilty plea. Gilchrist asked Pine be discharged conviction, as he understood what he did was wrong but was also not pulled over due to his driving. Judge Johanna Maze cited with Gilchrist, calling Pine “entirely remorseful” and acknowledging that he does give considerably to charity reported the Aces Showbiz.

Before leaving the courtroom, Pine hugged Gilchrist. After the appearance Pine signed autographs to fans and asked they be “cool.”

After being pulled over early in the morning at a routine checkpoint, Pine’s alcohol blood content was found to be at 0.11 where as the legal limit is 0.08 as previously reported. Pine had been celebrating the wrap of his new film, Z for Zachariah with 80 crewmembers prior to being pulled over. He told the cops that he had drank four vodka beverages at the party.

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons


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