Today is National Superhero, which apparently is being used by Krispy Kreme as another reason to give away free donuts. While that may first beg the question, when does anyone actually pay for Krispy Kreme donuts, it also provides us with an excuse to look at what’s ahead for Hollywood’s current obsession.

Hollywood is a business, so when it sees what works, it taps the proverbial well until it runs dry. It happened with musicals, it happened with Westerns. Heck, it even happened to Shakespeare and political thrillers. Right now, the current well that’s filled to the brim with possibilities is the superhero pool, which is clearly very deep.
This Friday, Marvel and Disney’s Avengers: Age of Ultron hits theaters and is poised to set a new opening weekend record. Marvel’s The Avengers currently holds the record, since it opened to over $207 million in 2012.
There’s no reason to believe that Ultron won’t pass that mark. If Guardians of the Galaxy’s success proved anything, it’s that the Marvel brand can do no wrong in theaters. Ultron features superheroes that are known around the world, thanks to their solo films and the Disney marketing machine.
Surprisingly, 2015 doesn’t have many other superhero movies hitting theaters. Yes, Marvel is almost begrudgingly releasing Ant-Man on July 17 and Fox’s Fantastic Four reboot opens on Aug. 7, but that’s about it. (Unless you count the new Mission: Impossible, Star Wars and James Bond movies “Superhero Films.”)
2016 is when things really kick into high gear. Eight movies based on comic books are hitting theaters that year and starting even earlier. Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool X-Men spinoff hits theaters on Feb. 12. Fox is also releasing X-Men: Apocalypse and Gambit in 2016.
Marvel’s 2016 movies are Captain America: Civil War and Doctor Strange. The two films are the launch pad for Phase Three.
Also in 2016, DC Comics and Warner Bros. are finally back in theaters. Three years is a long time in Hollywood, but that’s how old Man of Steel will be by the time Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 25. Warner Bros. is also releasing Suicide Squad on Aug. 5, 2016.
Warner Bros. is gambling that superhero movies are still a big thing by 2020. The studio has scheduled films for the next five years, with Cyborg and a Green Lantern reboot hitting theaters in 2020.
Marvel has films scheduled through 2019. The second part of Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on May 3, 2019 (Infinity War - Part I comes the year before) and Inhumans will be out on July 12, 2019.
It’s not just Marvel and DC characters that are making the jump to the big screen. Last week, Valiant Entertainment signed a five-movie deal with Sony Pictures. The first film from that partnership will hit theaters in 2017. Will audiences see a superhero movie even if they don’t know anything about the characters? Not many people knew about the Guardians of the Galaxy, but that had the Marvel label behind it.
While some moviegoers might be tired of all these superhero movies, they are in the minority, obviously. You also have to keep in mind that these movies are made to reach the widest possible audience. Hollywood doesn’t care about American audiences when it comes to blockbusters. They care about the worldwide audience. Ultron has already made over $200 million before its North American release. Furious 7 has made more money in China than in the U.S. Marvel even made a special cut of Iron Man 3 in 2013 for China.
Remember when these characters only made sounds in our imaginations? Or when they were just cartoons? That’s not coming back, so there will be many more National Superhero Days with a Marvel or DC movie about to hit theaters. We probably should be celebrating International Superhero Day.
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screenshot from Marvel YouTube Video
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