With all the excitement behind the new Planet of the Apes movie, the director Matt Reeves has given fans a little tease. Filming has officially started and Reeves tweeted out a beautiful and epic set photo on his personal Twitter account.

In the tweet he refers to his film as “#It.” Cinema Blend speculates it is because 20th Century Fox is still unsure of the name of the film. The two possibilities are War of the Planet of the Apes or War for the Planet of the Apes. The name of the movie really makes no difference at this point but it is interesting to note.
Back in 2011 people weren’t too confident in The Planet of the Apes reboot. However, with Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes being a commercial and critical success, people cannot wait for the next film to be released.
Little to nothing is known about the actual plot but we do know of some new characters joining the cast. Andy Serkis will return to play Caesar and Woody Harrelson will play a human antagonist known as Colonel.
The film is set for a July 14, 2017 release date.
#It has begun. @ApesMovies pic.twitter.com/6AZVzWfJXW
— Matt Reeves (@mattreevesLA) October 17, 2015
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