RIP Bob.
The latest episode of Ghosted began in its usual lighthearted style — the whole crew is sitting around the bureau, laughing and joking. In comes Bob, everyone's favorite employee, saying he has an emergency that needs everyone’s attention — he ordered way too many donuts.

They all banter together some more, saying how they love working with Bob and how much they idolize him. Bob, humble as ever, invites them all to a BBQ that evening and heads into the lab to get some work done.
Too bad that's the last they ever see of him. Bob, working on an autopsy of some amphibious looking monster, accidentally spills some of his coffee on the body. The monster, apparently not actually dead, wakes up and begins attacking Bob.
Bob screams for help, pounding on the glass walls. However, the crew sees Bob and think he’s just playing another classic Bob practical joke on them. They only realize too late that it wasn't a prank and that Bob is now dead. Now, there’s a giant monster loose in the lab, one who’s eating as many of Max and Leroy’s coworkers as it can get its hands on.

It only gets worse from there: Lafrey informs her superiors there’s a predator of unknown species that’s escaped. The response is to put the building in complete lockdown and give them only a half-hour to find and kill the beast, or else their going to eradicate the entire building at the risk of exposure. That means they only have 30 minutes to put a stop to this fiend or else they all die.
They all grab their weapons and split up. Leroy heads off with Annie, mostly because Leroy thinks that she and Max have been flirting in the office a lot, but Annie denies it and says she has a boyfriend. Max and Barry head to the lab to try and learn more about the monster that they’re trying to find.

The two quickly learn that shooting the creature isn’t going to help. In fact, it’s only going to make it worse and risk further outbreak. This new information, however, arrives too late as Leroy and Annie have found the monster and are trying to tear it to shreds with bullets.
All four of them — along with another unnamed co-worker — find each other in the hallways, only to be cornered by the monster. Max accidentally shoots Leroy with a tranquilizer dart (again), and the unnamed coworker gets so scared that he pees his pants and runs away.

Curiously, the monster chooses to follow said coworker rather than eat the four heroes. After Leroy wakes up and they return to safety, Max hypothesizes that the creature is an aquatic one and it needs liquids to survive — hence the reason it chased after the man's urine, and why Bob’s spilled coffee woke it up in the first place.
Time for a new plan. They’re going to take all the water in the building (lucky the attractive water cooler guy is trapped here during the lockdown) and put it in one room to try and lure the monster in. Then, due to some quick thinking from Max and Barry, they’re going to heat the room like a microwave and kill it.
Everything goes smoothly at first. The monster takes the bait, and heads into the room full of water jugs. However, right when they’re about to blast the abnormality to kingdom come, they realize they stupidly forgot to turn the machine back on after they were messing around with it.
Now there’s only five minutes remaining. Max and Leroy, out of options, cloak themselves in baby powder to try and appear as moisture-less as possible and sneak into the room to turn the machine back on. The whole ordeal is actually working and they reach the machine, but the mood is quickly ruined when Leroy sneezes and they're forced to run out of there for their lives.

Luckily, Max hit the switch before they left. They make it out, lock the monster in and Barry hits the button. The monster explodes and the day is saved.
Or, at least it should be. The countdown clock hasn’t stopped, and there’s only thirty seconds left. One of the pieces of the monster that Leroy and Annie shot off grew into a separate monster of it’s own. It was hiding in the box of donuts Bob brought, and latched itself onto Barry after he innocently reached for one. Lafrey pulls it off and throws it in the microwave, which kills it, stopping the countdown with only one seconds remaining. “Barry, scrub out the microwave,” says Lafrey. “Everyone else, take the rest of the day off.”
They all head out to the parking lot. Max and Annie exchange some more words, confirming Leroy’s theory that the two have been flirting a lot, although the moment is ruined when Annie’s boyfriend rolls up in his sports car. Leroy comes out and the two share some final words, ending the episode with Leroy telling Max he once saw Bigfoot when he was little.
There’s only six episodes left of the first season of Ghosted. Tune in Sunday Nights on Fox at 8:30 EST to watch the new episodes, and make sure to check out all of our other Ghosted recaps before then.
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