Week two of no Isle of Dogs playing in a theater near me. Everyone here in Grand Rapids, Michigan has begun to turn on each other and the living now envy all the dead. All we want is that Wes Anderson goodness. Please, someone, free us from this madness. Actually, I'm fine with it this week because we have Ready Player One in theaters and a whole bunch of other trailers we should talk about.
Opening this week:
Ready Player One
Guys, it's good, and don't let any of the online haters tell you any different. If you want to see a movie where some of your favorite pop-culture icons unite in one nostalgic film, then go see it on the biggest screen you can find (I'm going again tonight in an IMAX). Steven Spielberg has returned to his blockbuster roots, which Ready Player One is a perfect embodiment of.
Tyler Perry's Acrimony
I dream of a world where Tyler Perry doesn't have to put his name in front of every movie he makes. Like, seriously, why couldn't this just be called Acrimony? We're not calling it Steven Spielberg's Ready Player One or John Krasinski's A Quiet Place, so what gives? I mean, I'm probably not going to be seeing Acrimony either way, so I guess it doesn't really matter at this point.
God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness
Speaking of titles that don't make sense, was it too hard to throw a 'the' in there. Just A Light in Darkness? I'm not even mad that they've somehow made three God's No Dead films, I'm just mad about the title, really. Just kidding, this is ridiculous. I've gone off on rants about this so-called "religious" cinema stuff before so I'll spare you for now. Just, please, you don't need to support this kind of thing just because you're religious. Bad filmmaking is bad filmmaking.
New trailers:
The House with a Clock in its Walls (Sept. 21, 2018)
This is the movie Eli Roth should have made, like, ten years ago. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that he's doing it now because it's about time he ventured away from the torture porn genre, but think of all the time he could have saved if The House with a Clock in its Walls is the movie that really does a number for his career. Jack Black is walking around with Mario fireballs, Cate Blanchett is some kind of witch, this all looks like a lot of fun. I had no idea kid-friendly American horror gothic was a kind of genre, but this trailer made me pretty excited to venture into it.
Terminal (May 11, 2018)
Because who doesn't love Margot Robbie being weird? The trailer tells us virtually nothing about the movie itself and it's coming from a first time director, Vaughn Stein, meaning this could be great or it could be terrible, but Terminal looks interesting to peak my curiosity at least.
First Reformed (May 18, 2018)
GUYS GUESS WHAT: I saw this movie about a month ago when Paul Schrader came to Grand Rapids and did a premiere screening and it's great. Like, you should be getting really excited about First Reformed because it's a crazy, twisted ride that the trailer embodies perfectly. Keep your eyes out for this one. (and read my review for it here).
The Darkest Minds (August 3, 2018)
Yeah, I don't know about this one. I've heard some people say that this looks great because it's an original story and all, which I can respect, but I'm also just sick to death of the dystopian young adult genre. This is clearly playing off X-Men, which is somewhat interesting I guess, but I'm still not sold.
Pass Over (2018)
Spike Lee's movies can either be great or they can be miss-fires, with the latter being more common of late (I know some people out there like Chi-Raq, but I really didn't). There's no telling what way Pass Over will fall. As is true for all of Lee's movies, it certainly looks ambitious, we just have to wait to see if he can stick the landing.
Kodachrome (April 20, 2018)
The ever-expanding Netflix is expanding their horizons further and further, now picking up movies that played at TIFF. Look, there's no way this one turns into something like The Cloverfield Paradox or Bright, the question is whether or not it will actually be something worth watching or not. Can't tell as of yet, but it's worth keeping an eye on for now.
Minority Report (2002)
Spielberg has created dozens of different, immersive worlds that always feel inhabited. Ready Player One seems him venture decades into the future, which he did back in 2002 with Minority Report. I just watched this movie for the very first time a couple of days ago, and it's wonderful. The world Spielberg creates is vivid, the story behind it is compelling and there's a lot of fun to be had. Minority Report and Ready Player One might just make for a perfect double feature.
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