This one actually doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
It’s not unusual to be confused when watching Legion. Yet, the newest episode — Chapter 13 — really takes that notion and runs with it.
The previous episode of Legion ended by telling us that Lenny is back. We don’t know how, we don’t know why. She’s just suddenly in Division Three.
Division Three’s first instinct, and perhaps rightfully so, is to lock her up. The last time she was here — or at least some form of her — it was in a murderous rampage after all.
They aren’t just throwing her in a normal cell either. No, Legion always wants to be as trippy as possible, so she gets put in some weird upside-down room that maybe was right-side up the whole time. Basically, physics need not apply here.
First, she meets with Clark. As you might expect, he’s pretty much all business and doesn’t care too much for Lenny’s talk about being a victim. Lenny tells him a sob-story about how her grandmother gave her alcoholic drinks at the age of nine, hoping that it will get Clark to show some kind of sympathy for her.

This scene is once again a reminder of just how good an actress Aubrey Plaza is. Lenny no doubt had a troubled past, but it’s the fact that Plaza finds a way to convey that — and then an extra layer of scheming and manipulation on top of it — that’s just too good.
The only time Clark actually shows any interest in the conversation is, as he’s leaving, Lenny tells him that Farouk has found his body out in the desert.
That can’t be good.
Then we hit a flashback, which is where the confusion begins. Farouk did find a body out in the desert, but it’s not his. He made Oliver dig up some old tomb that we’re supposed to think is his, but is later revealed to be Lenny. At least, what’s left of her body. She was thrown into a wall, after all.
Using some device that was stolen from the attack on Division Three, Farouk collects a DNA sample from the body and the two leave. That means Lenny getting a new body is no accident. Farouk has some sort of evil, unsettling plan.
Ptonomy comes in next, thinking he can access some memories of Lenny’s that might explain why she’s back. After giving a great monologue about the fact that the present doesn’t really exist, Ptonomy tries to enter her mind.

It doesn’t work. Farouk likely knew that Division Three was going to try this, and basically booby-trapped her mind. That weird bug that crawled into Ptonomy’s ear comes back, and he’s suddenly forced into seeing a whole bunch of terrifying looking images that are quickly shot at him. He awakes to find himself choking Lenny against the wall, and he quickly runs out to collect himself.
Back to the flashbacks.
Farouk and Oliver are tracking a donut food truck in the shape of a submarine. What this has to do with anything is beyond me, but the two converse over the ideas of life and death. At this point, it’s pretty unclear what exactly is going on with Oliver. We know that Farouk has had some control over him, but he’s also presenting himself in such a weird mystical way that his true loyalties seem ambiguous.

Finally, David is given a chance to crack Lenny. Right away, he figures out that she’s still working for Farouk — at least somewhat. The problem is that Lenny herself doesn’t know how much control he still has over her, which means David can’t find out either.
While reading her mind, he does see flashes of his sister Amy (Katie Aselton), who we haven’t seen since early season one.
And that’s when we figure out how Lenny got her body. At least, I think. It gets really confusing at the end.
The submarine donut shop is located right next to Amy’s house, where she’s living with her husband. Before Oliver and Farouk bust in, Amy tells her husband that she’s been having a weird dream where she has a mustache and is taking orders from a guy in a bucket head. Not sure what that means.

As you might expect, Amy and her husband don’t live much longer after that. Using the device from before, Farouk turns Amy into the new Lenny. Then, for some reason, they feel the need to put Lenny back in the ground because we later see her resurrected and carried off by a horse.
The episode ends with David vowing he’s going to kill Farouk since he killed Amy and all that.
What that means going forward is anyone's guess. Is Amy actually dead or did the device just suck up her soul or something? Is David still going to help Farouk find his body, since he knows where it is, or is that deal done? Can we trust anything Lenny says in all of this or is it all part of Farouk’s plan?
All these questions and the only way we’ll find out is by watching the next episode of Legion on FX.
Check out our other Legion recaps by clicking here.
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