Deadpool 2 is just one week away. Solo: A Star Wars Story comes the week after that. This week, however, there’s not a lot of new things being released. I mean, there’s that new Melissa McCarthy movie if you’re into that kind of thing, but I’m going to take a pass on that one. Nonetheless, there are new trailers that we absolutely need to talk about, so let’s get rolling.
New releases:
Life of the Party
I have nothing against Melissa McCarthy. She was funny in Bridesmaids and The Heat, and I’m waiting for the day when she starts taking on more serious, dramatic roles. Life of the Party looks like more the safe, though, and that’s not something that really peaks my interest.
Breaking In
Honestly, I don’t know the first thing about this one. I remember passing by a poster of it at the movie theater and wondering what it was, before going along and not paying it any mind. It’s here though, and the trailer is pretty meh.
The one I actually want to see, and it’s probably not going to be in any theaters near me for the next couple of weeks. Revenge is a pretty boring name for a movie, but the trailer (and Rotten Tomatoes score, which is currently at 89 percent) seem to suggest that the movie will be anything but boring.
New Trailers:
The Predator (Sept. 14, 2018)
When they announced that Shane Black was the guy who would be directing a Predator reboot, it made perfect sense. Every casting announcement — Jacob Tremblay, Sterling K. Brown, Boyd Holbrook and Keegan-Michael Key — only furthered that excitement. Then we’re given this trailer, and we’re all a little puzzled at what to think.
To be fair, it’s a teaser — which means, hopefully, they aren’t showing us their biggest and best set-pieces yet. Still, I kind of hate the idea that the Predators are going to return to earth just because this kid is playing with a toy, and the poster with all the lightning is cheesy as hell.
Yeah, yeah, all of the Predator movies have had a slight amount of cheese — especially Predator 2 — but can’t we just, like, leave that behind? Let’s get a super serious and super good Predator movie, please. I still have faith in Shane Black and the cast, but I’m a lot more skeptical about this one than I was a couple of weeks ago.
Never Goin’ Back (August 3, 2018)
Yes. This. Everything this. I don’t know that much about the director, Augustine Frizzell, but I’d dare bet that she’s going to be someone we recognize a lot more after Never Goin’ Back. Sign me up for this movie.
Alex Strangelove (June 8, 2018)
The Love, Simon effect is starting, and that’s not a bad thing. While the two movies look plenty similar, it can’t be said enough how important it is for this kind of media to be made and in the public consciousness. I’m not convinced I’ll like this one as much as Love, Simon yet, but it should definitely be on everyone’s to watch list.
Searching (August 3, 2018)
I was originally going to knock Searching for basically being the same thing as Unfriended, but after actually watching the trailer I take it back. This looks different, and it looks cool. Granted, the makeup on John Cho is a bit much, but the concept is an intriguing one that has me wanting to see the movie.
Alien: Covenant (2017)
Yeah, okay, this movie came out just last year so maybe it's not THAT much of a rewind, but since Predator is back let's talk about how wrong everyone was about this movie for a second. People don't like it just because it's a simple plot or something like that. I don't know, I have yet to hear one criticism of the movie that actually holds up. Alien: Covenant is Ridley Scott returning to classic sci-fi horror, and it's great. The thrills are great, the further mythology-building is great and David's character arch here is an interesting one. Of course, it's not as good as the first two Alien movies, but Alien: Covenant is a ton of fun and actually makes me appreciate what Scott was trying to do in Prometheus a whole lot more.
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