Day 44 in the Big Brother house and Angela has just won HOH. Level 6 is back in power. The other side of the house is confused and paranoid. We also find out that Brett/Angela came up with the plan to expose Bayleigh’s Power App. We also find out that Tyler was covering his tracks minutes before the live eviction. Tyler and the rest of Level 6 are ecstatic that they pulled off the plan to keep Brett.
There’s a new HOH in town, and she has 0 regrets. Get ready for #BB20 in a few minutes! pic.twitter.com/HVW8ec5uLN
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 5, 2018
The other side of the house is completely the opposite. Bayleigh is all kinds of upset and first goes off on Brett for exposing her at the live eviction. She then interrogates Rockstar (who can’t stop crying) and she thinks Rockstar might have flipped. Faysal continues to be clueless while JC keeps playing him. Tyler is still playing both sides and loving how confused the other side of the house.
That face you make when you’re playing both sides of the house… #BBTyler #BB20 pic.twitter.com/XMNiMHFEY8
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 6, 2018
We get introduced to the next new twist of the summer. The Hacker Competition will be going for the next two weeks and everyone is eligible to play. The winner can secretly hack the game and will be able to remove one nominee and replace them, they can also choose one HG to play in the veto AND they can eliminate one HG from voting on eviction night. This is a huge game changing twist which both sides of the house know they must win. Sam decides to keep the peace in the house and tells everyone to throw the Hacker Competition to her.
Yeah…don’t think that’s going to happen Sam. Nice try though.
Level 6 is discussing their plan for the week. Angela is thinking of nominating Scottie & Rockstar. It’s the safest thing to do with the Power Apps floating around and the Hacker Competition coming up. Angela does a good job to convince Bayleigh she will be safe this week. A good move so she doesn’t use her Power App. Angela does go through with her plan and nominates Scottie & Rockstar. It’s a weird week to be HOH. It really all comes down to this Hacker Competition.
It’s time for the Nomination Ceremony! #BB20 pic.twitter.com/JzEONYdChj
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 6, 2018
It’s time for the Hacker Competition. Each HG goes to their own computer and I’m liking this competition already. They play seven rounds and must attempt to unscramble words. The first three players to unscramble the word in a round get a point. The player with the most points after seven rounds will be the #BBHacker. It would great to see Level 6 keep all of the power this week. I will admit this a very cool competition. It looks like Brett and Sam are for sure not winning this. We get 4 rounds into the competition and Haleigh, Tyler, Scottie and Angela are tied for first place. It is coming down to Haleigh, Scottie or Tyler for the #BBHacker. It will be an interesting week for Level 6 as Haleigh wins the Hacker Competition. It’s a big win for the other side of the house.
The house is all wondering who is the #BBHacker. The HG are quickly called into the living room where it’s time to find out the hacker’s move. We find out that the #BBHacker has removed Scottie from the block and Tyler is the replacement nominee! Level 6 is definitely shocked and literally, everyone in the house was shocked to see Tyler go up. Sam was literally in tears. Haleigh is making a good move because she thinks he is playing both sides. An extremely important Veto Competition is looming and Tyler is more focused than ever.
So. Nervous. ? #BB20 pic.twitter.com/wFfasUx9Jg
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 6, 2018
Who will win the Power of Veto? Will it be used to save Rockstar or Tyler from eviction?
Find out this Wednesday night at 8 p.m. only on CBS!
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