Day 51 in the Big Brother house. Haleigh is the new HOH and the other side of the house has the power back. Tyler and Level 6 know they are going to be the targets this week but it’s nice that Tyler has his Power App in his back pocket. Haleigh knows the Hacker Twist is also going to come into play.
Sam is starting to lose it. She is walking around the house crying and being emotional and making people feel sorry for her. Tyler, Kaycee and the rest of Level 6 are over it. We also find out Tyler told Sam about him having the Power App. Angela and Kaycee feel like they are targets and that the overall plan may be to try and backdoor one of them. They know that Sam is becoming a liability for their game and they should try to convince Haleigh to nominate Sam so that way two members of Level 6 don’t go on the block.
Same though. #BB20 pic.twitter.com/fLBOjISVNW
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 13, 2018
Level 6 does their best pitch to Haleigh to try and stay safe this week. Brett goes to turn on the charm and flirt with Haleigh and tells her that he could be a “free agent” and will be willing to work with her. Angela also goes to Haleigh and tells her that Sam nominated her and that she should think about nominating her this week. It seems that Haleigh is set to nominate Angela this week. She would love to backdoor Tyler but it all depends on the Hacker and Veto this week.
Sam continues to lose it slowly as she goes to talk with Haleigh and feels like she is being made fun of. She also feels like she is the only real person in the house and is on the verge of going off the deep end. She has a very creepy conversation with JC and Tyler which I’ll admit creeped me out a little bit. Tyler also makes an interesting pitch to Haleigh. He tells her to backdoor him this week. Haleigh likes this plan but she is unaware of Tyler’s Power App. Tyler is hoping this pitch will work and he could keep himself safe for another week.
It’s time for the Nomination Ceremony where I expect two members of Level 6 to be going on the block. I was correct as Haleigh nominates Angela & Kaycee for eviction. They are upset because they weren’t even targeting Haleigh. Haleigh’s main target is still Tyler, who is elated that his pitch to Haleigh worked.
Who's it gonna be? #BB20 pic.twitter.com/FrhdKUIA1V
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 13, 2018
It’s time for the next Hacker Competition. Level 6 is feeling confident heading into this while the other half of the house need to win this and keep nominations the same. This week’s competition is a little different. They are looking at scrambled pictures from the camera and have to guess which room the picture came from. The HG with the most points after seven rounds is the hacker and will be able to hack the game. Kaycee dominates the competition and pretty much holds down first place the entire time. It comes down to her and Scottie at the end and Kaycee brings it home. Kaycee is the #BBHacker and it looks like the house is in store for another unpredictable week.
Tonight's Hacker Comp begins in 3… 2… 1… #BB20 pic.twitter.com/URECCbyBOY
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 13, 2018
Kaycee tells Angela she is the #BBHacker and this means Level 6 could all be safe this week. The other side is starting to become paranoid. The house is called to the living room by the #BBHacker. Kaycee removes herself from the chopping block. The new nominee for the week is Rockstar. Rockstar is back on the block again. This means we get another week of Rockstar crying. Level 6 is hyped with the possibility that they could all be safe this week.
This Hacker is makin' moves. #BB20 pic.twitter.com/EPgnVSwSUr
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 13, 2018
Who will win the Power of Veto? Will it be used to save Angela or Rockstar from eviction?
Find out this Wednesday night at 8 p.m. only on CBS!
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