Day 45 in the Big Brother house and the house is still stunned after the #BBHacker (Haleigh) has nominated Tyler. He is upset and wants to know who the hacker is. I respect Haleigh for making a big move and if she was smart she would keep it a secret. Level 6 knows they have to win to save Tyler and keep their plan to backdoor Bayleigh in play.
No one ever said #BB20 would be easy ?♂️ #BBScottie pic.twitter.com/Y45PA0bScE
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 9, 2018
The house is wondering who the #BBHacker is. Some of the house thinks it is Scottie and Level 6 suspects that Bayleigh might be the hacker. Haleigh is doing a great job of avoiding any suspicion of her.
Level 6 has a plan to try and stack the veto in their favor. Angela and Kaycee drop hints to Bayleigh that they will keep nominations the same and Kaycee wants to be picked to play in the veto. Haleigh knows that she must pick someone that will not draw any suspicion to her or her side of the house. It would be hilarious if Kaycee is picked to play in the veto.
It’s now time to pick players for the Veto Competition. #BBHacker picks Kaycee for the veto. This is good for Level 6 as the odds are with them. Angela, Kaycee, Tyler, Rockstar, Scottie and Brett. The veto host for this competition is BB alum Jesse Godderz from BB10 and BB11. He is here to host the veto competition called “Boom Power Trip.” This endurance competition requires the HG to roll their power orb back and forth as many times as requested. The last person to get the points is out. 25 points is the first goal. This is a competition I would enjoy. Rockstar is the first one out. This is also the competition where the HG get a prize and the later eliminators can steal the prize.
This veto competition is about to be out of this world ? #BB20 pic.twitter.com/uZdOdnNyoz
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 9, 2018
35 points is the second goal and it’s now Level 6 vs. Scottie. Angela makes a quick mistake and she is the second one out. She obviously takes the veto from Rockstar. 40 points is the third goal. Fatigue is starting to set in as Kaycee is out next. She wins a trip to Honolulu.
It’s down to Brett, Scottie and Tyler. It’s a close race but a quick mistake from Brett gets him eliminated. It’s down to Scottie and Tyler for the Veto. 100 points is the goal. They are a very close competition and Tyler just barely beats out Scottie. Scottie is the last one out and Angela pleads to both Scottie and Tyler that they will be safe. She promises Scottie safety and promises to use the veto on Tyler. They both take gambles and decide not to take the veto as Angela wins the Veto. This is a good move to keep the Level 6 alliance a secret.
Kaycee and Rockstar each have their own unique veto punishments. Kaycee has to wear a health nut unitard for a week while Rockstar has to do Jesse’s workout and food program. Bayleigh is concerned now after the comments made post-veto. She goes to chat with Angela who assures her she just wants the least amount of blood on her hands. This is funny to see since we know 100% they want to backdoor Bayleigh. This is going to be an interesting veto meeting.
It’s time for the Veto Meeting. This should be good. Angela decides to use the Power of Veto on Tyler as expected. The other half of the house is looking worried, as they should. It has been a frustrating week for Angela since her HOH was hacked and she delivers another savage speech right before she nominates Bayleigh for eviction. She is wrong about her being the #BBHacker but just completely blindsides Bayleigh and the rest of the house. Bayleigh is crushed. Haleigh feels guilty. Level 6 knows they must ensure that Bayleigh goes home this week.
Whoa. Didn’t see that coming… #BB20 #BBFaysal #BBTyler pic.twitter.com/OalSDPXm0u
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 9, 2018
Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house….Rockstar or Bayleigh?
But let’s see if it will last...TOMORROW @ 9/8c on #BB20! #BBAngela pic.twitter.com/zPeuxDU2UZ
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 9, 2018
Find out tomorrow night at 9 p.m. only on CBS!
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