The episode begins with Selina and Bruce walking under the bridge where Selina tells Bruce…
‘Gotham’ Recap: 'Beasts of Prey'
The episode begins with Fish walking inside the hospital, appearing to be in some powerful…
‘Gotham’ Recap: 'Everyone Has a Cobblepot'
The episode begins with Bruce sitting by Alfred in the hospital. Jim asks Alfred if…
‘Sleepy Hollow’ Season Two Finale Recap: “Tempus Fugit”
Ichabod is loading his rifle and preparing to engage in combat. He is fighting a…
'Gotham' Recap: "Red Hood"
The episode begins with a group of men arriving outside Gotham Bank. One of them…
‘Gotham’ Recap: “The Blind Fortune Teller”
The episode begins with Bruce asleep on the couch and we see he has fallen…
‘Sleepy Hollow’ Recap: “Awakening”
Abbie and Ichabod are at a book store searching for rare books but are so…
'Sleepy Hollow' Recap: "What Lies Beneath"
We see utility workers walking down the underground tunnels talking about how they will be…
'Gotham' Recap: The Scarecrow
The episode begins with a man arriving to his home with the power out. He…
'Sleepy Hollow' recap: 'Spellcaster'
Two employees of an auction house are going through the artifacts when a strange man…