The house is still in shock after Frankie won the BOTB competition by himself. The…
'Big Brother 16' Recap: The Fallout from Double Eviction, Alliances are Revealed and a New Public Enemy Number One
Caleb is skeptical of his true alliance, especially of Frankie. He calls this game very…
‘Big Brother 16’ Recap: “Double Eviction Night…Who Survived?”
It is a live double eviction tonight! This is going to be one of the…
‘Big Brother 16’ Recap: “The Calm Before the Storm, ‘The Rationale’ Becomes a Reality and a Comic Book Veto.”
It is immediately after the BOTB competition and Zach is very upset that he did…
‘Big Brother 16’ Recap: A Game of Cat and Mouse mixed with the Domino Effect
We find out in this episode who the two new HOH’s are for the week,…
‘Big Brother 16’ Recap: 'The Detonators’ eliminate their next target'
Who will be evicted tonight….Amber or Jocasta? We flashback to right after the exciting POV…
‘Big Brother 16’ Recap: “Beast Mode Cowboy is back, Redneck Veto and an Exciting POV Meeting”
We are post BOTB competition and it seems that “Zankie” are still wanting to “backdoor”…
‘Big Brother 16’ Recap: 'Zankie' is in power, ‘The Hitmen’ are born and the three second wedding cake
Tonight’s episode was about who Frankie and Zach nominated for eviction. We also find out…
‘Big Brother 16’ Recap: Who Survived Eviction….The Groundskeeper or The Mother of Three?
Day 35 in the Big Brother house will see either Brittany or Donny being evicted…
‘Big Brother 16’ Recap: “BBCup, Penalty Kicks, Butt Kicks and ‘The Detonators’ next move”
We begin this episode right after the BOTB competition and Amber and Jocasta are celebrating…